
Media Mentions

FEB 10, 2015 News

Is the International Community Abandoning the Fight Against Impunity?

The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) announced it will be hosting a series of online debates on the increasing impunity of atrocious states. Carnegie ...

JAN 29, 2015 News

Abenomics Meets Womenomics

Working women have long struggled to make their way in Japan, even in comparison to their counterparts in other advanced countries. But now many Japanese ...

JAN 15, 2015 News

Steven Brill's 'America's Bitter Pill' Tackles Healthcare Mess

Zach Dorfman, associate editor of Carnegie Council's journal, "Ethics & International Affairs," reflects on Steven Brill's book, "America's Bitter Pill," for the "Los Angeles Times."

DEC 25, 2014 News

Japan's Slow Progress on Womenomics

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart was interviewed by "The Diplomat" on the progress of Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's "Womenomics" reforms.

DEC 23, 2014 News

Japan’s Womenomics Rebooted

Carnegie Council Senior Fellow Devin Stewart was interviewed by "The Diplomat" on the progress of Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's "Womenomics" reforms.

DEC 11, 2014 News

Andreita, no te Comas el Pollo

In this article for the "Huffington Post," Carnegie Council's "Policy Innovations" editor, Irene Pedruelo, talks about the link between the meat industry and CO2 emissions, ...

NOV 13, 2014 News

Martin Dempsey: U.S. Troops’ Ebola Deployment Could Last 18 Months

In this "Washington Times" article, journalist Cheryl Chumley references remarks on U.S. Ebola-related deployments made by General Martin Dempsey during a Carnegie Council Public ...

NOV 7, 2014 News

Voice Double or Nothing on the Islamic State

James Traub, host of Carnegie Council's "Ethics Matter" series, cites remarks on the military plan for Syria made by General Martin Dempsey during a Carnegie ...

NOV 7, 2014 News

Israel Tried to Limit Civilian Casualties in Gaza—U.S. Military Chief

A "Reuters" article cites remarks on Israel made by General Martin Dempsey during a Carnegie Council Public Affairs program event.

NOV 7, 2014 News

Dempsey: Israel Went to 'Extraordinary Length' to Avoid Civilian Casualties in Gaza

"Haaretz" reports on the comments made by General Martin Dempsey on Israel at a Carnegie Council event.

Press Releases

AUG 27, 2007 News

Carnegie Council Announces Workshops for Ethics in Business

Global Policy Innovations presents Workshops for Ethics in Business (WEB). WEB is a one-of-a-kind forum that brings together top corporations and NGOs in a civilized ...

Examples of previous Carnegie Council designs

JUL 24, 2007 News

Annual Graphics Contest, 2007

Applicants are invited to submit designs on the Council's three themes: Ethics, War, and Peace; Global Social Justice; and Religion in Politics. Prizes of $500. The ...

Preventive War and American Democracy

MAR 8, 2007 News

The Council Announces the Publication of "Preventive War and American Democracy" by Scott A. Silverstone

How did the once unassailable U.S. norm against preventive war become powerless by 2003? In this valuable new book, Dr. Silverstone explores the changing attitudes ...

2006 Poster Designs

DEC 6, 2006 News

Carnegie Council Poster Contest Winners, 2006

The Carnegie Council is delighted to announce the results of the 2006 Poster Design Competition.

Banker to the Poor

OCT 13, 2006 News

The Council Salutes Muhammad Yunus, Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

Muhammad Yunus and the organization he founded, Grameen Bank, were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on October 13, 2006. They pioneered microcredit loans—small loans extended to ...

Poster Designs 2005 - Carnegie Ethics Lectures

JUL 21, 2006 News

2006 Poster Contest

The Carnegie Council is hosting a poster contest to further its mission of being the voice for ethics in international policy.

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