Julia Taylor Kennedy is senior vice president and senior fellow at the Center for Talent Innovation, where she drives qualitative research and writes reports on gender and diversity in the workplace.
Previously, she was a program officer at Carnegie Council.
Taylor Kennedy has advised speakers for platforms like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, and collaborated on articles published in Forbes, Time, and academic journals. She has designed and facilitated sessions at The Conference Board, the UN and Carnegie Council, among others. Taylor Kennedy also hosted and produced 51%, a public radio show on gender issues, and reported for NPR and NPR member stations. She earned a MA of international relations from Yale University and a journalism degree from Northwestern University.
Featured Work
SEP 22, 2011 • Podcast
In an Era of Increased Transparency, A New Approach to Business Branding
As he retools Lipman, a New York advertising agency, Michael Mendenhall discusses a new approach to branding. He also talks about how companies' ethics are ...

SEP 15, 2011 • Podcast
Decision Points: The American Dream in the Balance
Led by Sam Speedie, who stepped up immediately after 9/11 and went into public service, this group of under-40s Carnegie New Leaders discuss how to ...
SEP 1, 2011 • Podcast
The U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade: What Does it Mean?
Is the U.S. no longer the center of the economic universe? Credit expert Ann Rutledge discusses the recent credit rating downgrade of the U....
AUG 23, 2011 • Podcast
A Win-Win: Communications Technology and Global Health
David Aylward specializes in a new sector called mobile health, which uses cell phone and other communications technology to connect poor patients in developing nations ...
AUG 1, 2011 • Podcast
Ireland's Tough Path to Economic Recovery
What brought down the Celtic Tiger and will it rise again? Barry O'Leary, head of IDA Ireland (Industrial Development Agency), explains how and why Ireland ...
JUL 26, 2011 • Podcast
The (Ethical) Taste of Success
Ashok Vasudevan has what it takes to build commercially viable and socially responsible global companies. Tasty Bite, an all-natural, ready-to-eat food sold in the U....
JUL 6, 2011 • Podcast
The Green Workplace and Human Behavior
Architect and sustainability expert Leigh Stringer is convinced that LEED green buildings are only a piece of the puzzle when designing a sustainable office. She ...
JUN 29, 2011 • Podcast
Ethics Matter: Microfinance Pioneer Susan Davis
Microfinance started as a movement for social justice and women's equality and gave birth to an industry, says Davis. This gave rise to scale, efficiency, ...

JUN 20, 2011 • Podcast
Diana B. Henriques on Bernie Madoff, Wizard of Lies
Is Bernie Madoff a monster or is it easier than you might think to slip over the line? Diana B. Henriques explores the ethical questions ...

JUN 17, 2011 • Podcast
Confronting Corruption and Ethics in Emerging Markets
Is it possible to grow a company to $1 billion in revenue in Russia without giving a single bribe? In this interactive workshop with high-level professionals, ...