Joanne J. Myers

Former Director, Public Affairs Program, Carnegie Council

Joanne Myers was director of the Carnegie Council's Public Affairs Programs (formerly Merrill House Programs). She was responsible for planning and organizing more than 50 public programs a year at the Council, many of which have been featured on C-SPAN's Booknotes.

Myers is also a columnist and advisory board member for PassBlue, an independent digital publication that covers the United Nations.

Before joining the Council, she was director of the Consular Corps/Deputy General Counsel at the New York City Commission for the United Nations, Consular Corps and Protocol, where she acted as the liaison between the mayor of New York and the consulates general. Myers holds a JD from Benjamin C. Cardozo School of Law and a BA in international relations from the University of Minnesota.

Featured Work

The Fragmentation of Afghanistan by Barnett Rubin

JUN 25, 2002 Transcript

The Fragmentation of Afghanistan: State Formation and Collapse in the International System

Afghanistan is "hard to rule" for the same reason it's hard to conquer: it does not have many resources, the settlements are far apart, and ...

The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power by Max Boot

JUN 3, 2002 Transcript

The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power

The United States has a long but largely uncelebrated history of fighting "small wars," and "if the past is a prologue of what is to ...

Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz

MAY 15, 2002 Transcript

Globalization and Its Discontents

There will be a strong backlash against globalization unless the international institutions that govern it become more democratic, says Stiglitz.

book cover image Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam

MAY 7, 2002 Transcript

Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam

The communications revolution of the late 20th century made Muslims around the world aware that they were part of a global community, a development that ...

The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianityby Philip Jenkins

APR 17, 2002 Transcript

The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity

Christian influence on world events is less likely to originate in the United States or Europe than in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where a ...

APR 17, 2002 Transcript

Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam

Today, Islamist movements in the Middle East are fragmented, according to Gilles Kepel, and no longer have the capacity to mobilize different social groups simultaneously ...

Al-Jazeera: How the Free Arab News Network Scooped the World and Changed the Middle East by Nawawy and Farag

APR 15, 2002 Transcript

Al-Jazeera: How the Free Arab News Network Scooped the World and Changed the Middle East

The Qatar-based television network Al-Jazeera has been a hugely positive force in the Middle East, according to Mohammed el-Nawawy and Adel Iskander Farag, because it ...

APR 11, 2002 Transcript

A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide

Why did the United States largely ignore the Rwandan genocide and yet devote endless time to the contemporaneous Bosnian crisis? According to Samantha Power, the ...

Detail from book cover.

MAR 26, 2002 Transcript

What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response

In this learned talk given just six months after 9/11, Lewis explains that in the Middle East there are two prevailing opinions about why the Islamic ...

Kenneth Roth

MAR 14, 2002 Transcript

Human Rights and the Campaign Against Terrorism

Governments around the world are wrong to use the war on terrorism as an excuse to disregard human rights principles, says Kenneth Roth. "The war ...