C2GTalk: How should the world govern new approaches to tackle climate change? with Andy Reisinger

Dec 4, 2023 42 min listen

The world is due to exceed 1.5°C warming, and countries will face more extreme consequences in the near-term, warns Andy Reisinger in a C2GTalk. Significant levels of carbon dioxide removal will be required, and policies are needed to reduce adverse consequences. Solar radiation modification is more uncertain, and would reflect a failure of global governance to cut emissions.

Andy Reisinger is an independent consultant specializing in the science-policy interface of climate change, with particular expertise in livestock agriculture and the role of methane as part of mitigation strategies. He was vice-chair of Working Group III (Mitigation) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) during its 6th Assessment cycle completed in 2023, and previously served as coordinating lead author in the IPCC focusing on impacts and adaptation for Australia and New Zealand.

For more, please go to C2G's website.

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