It is with a heavy heart that we announce Devin Stewart passed away in March 2021.
Stewart had been living in Tokyo. He had become Opinion Editor at the Japan Times after working in recent months with the Eurasia Group Foundation and the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
We will always be grateful to Devin for his many contributions to life at Carnegie Council, including his leadership of the Global Ethics Fellows, Centennial Symposia, Thought Leaders Forum, Asia Dialogues, and Carnegie New Leaders program. This list of accomplishments does not begin to register Devin’s impact on the countless people around the world who benefitted from his insight, empathy, joy, and humor.
In his honor please donate to this worthy rescue charity, Magnificat Rescue.
Featured Work

JUL 9, 2019 • Podcast
International Migrants in China's Global City, with James Farrer
Is China becoming an immigrant society? Why do foreigners move to the country? What can we learn by studying Shanghai's international community? James Farrer, a ...
JUL 1, 2019 • Podcast
Italy Considers China's Belt & Road, with Giulio Pugliese
King's College's Giulio Pugliese and Senior Fellow Devin Stewart discuss the political climate in Italy, with the Northern League and the Five Star Movement representing ...

JUN 5, 2019 • Podcast
China, Surveillance, and "Belt & Road" with Joshua Eisenman
Just back from China, Sinologist (and fluent Mandarin speaker) Joshua Eisenman discusses the pervasive camera surveillance and facial recognition systems there; the omnipresent power of "...

MAY 31, 2019 • Podcast
China, the Olympics, & Influence, with Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian
Washington DC-based journalist Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian speaks with Senior Fellow Devin Stewart about a new article she authored in "The Atlantic" with Senior Fellow Zach Dorfman ...
MAY 29, 2019 • Podcast
China's Political Influence on Democracies, with Sarah Cook & Isaac Stone Fish
China is radically expanding its strategy to wield influence in the domestic politics of other countries. This information campaign is designed partly to bolster China's ...
MAY 20, 2019 • Podcast
Religion & Politics in Southeast Asia, with Nava Nuraniyah
Nava Nuraniyah, an analyst at the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC) in Jakarta, Indonesia, speaks with Senior Fellow Devin Stewart about the recent ...
MAY 10, 2019 • Podcast
Indonesia's General Election, with Marcus Mietzner
Marcus Mietzner of Australian National University speaks with Senior Fellow Devin Stewart about the results of the general election last month in Indonesia, one that ...

MAY 10, 2019 • Article
Sex, Drugs, and Propaganda: Why AIDS Persists in the Russian Federation
On May 3, 2019, Josephine Marrocco's presentation on HIV/AIDS in Russia was selected as the winner of the Council's fifth annual Student Research Conference. Afterwards, Carnegie ...

APR 4, 2019 • Podcast
China's Influence on Democracies in Asia, with Joshua Kurlantzick
As part of Carnegie Council's Information Warfare podcast series, Devin Stewart interviews Joshua Kurlantzick about his recent project on Chinese media and influence campaigns and ...
MAR 20, 2019 • Podcast
Computational Propaganda, with Nick Monaco
In this in-depth conversation, Oxford Internet Institute researcher Nick Monaco reviews the history of computational propaganda (online disinformation), which goes back almost two decades and ...