To celebrate its 100th anniversary, Carnegie Council undertook an ambitious three-year project called Ethics for a Connected World.

APR 21, 2016 • Article
In Search of a Global Ethic
Research in 25 cities in eight countries on five continents shows that norms across cultures may not be so different after all.

NOV 20, 2014 • Podcast
Michael Ignatieff in Conversation with Paul Holdengräber at the NYPL
Carnegie Council Centennial Chairman Michael Ignatieff, a Canadian writer, teacher, and former politician, discusses his life, his work, and the Council's Centennial project, Ethics for ...

NOV 7, 2014 • Podcast
Global Ethics and the Point of View of the Universe
Sidgwick's concept of looking at issues from "the point of view of the universe"--in other words, giving equal weight to everyone's interests, irrespective of ...

OCT 15, 2014 • Article
The Ottoman Road to War: Mustafa Aksakal on the Ottomans' Fateful Decision
Why did the Ottoman Empire side with Germany in World War I? It was a rational decision, given the circumstances at the time, argues Aksakal. ...
SEP 25, 2014 • Article
Ethics Fellows for the Future 2014 Essay Collection
This booklet is a collection of the Ethics Fellows for the Future (EFF) essays and project outlines as well as the winning essay of Carnegie ...
SEP 22, 2014 • Podcast
Podcast with Joel Rosenthal and Devin Stewart for Global Ethics Day
What is Global Ethics Day? "Our dream is that this becomes a global educational effort and that people come to learn from each other from ...

SEP 4, 2014 • Article
Mary Dudziak on Civil Liberties During WWI and Beyond
"Just as the nation is perpetually focused on security, we must also be perpetually focused on maintaining constitutional liberty."
SEP 3, 2014 • Podcast
World War to a Global Ethic
"We come here—100 years to the day from the calamitous events of the summer of 1914—to remember, to take stock, and to recommit to the ...
SEP 3, 2014 • Podcast
Was World War I Inevitable?
We're still trying to understand what World War I meant. It is a very complex event, one that has echoes into the present, and we've ...

SEP 3, 2014 • Podcast
Religion in War and Reconciliation
"There is a long way to go before religious communities become more of a resource for reducing rather than a source for increasing antagonism. But ...