Ethics & International Affairs is pleased to announce the publication of its summer 2015 issue.
This issue includes essays by Jim Sleeper on liberal education in illiberal societies and by Rahul Sagar on the ethics of surveillance and disclosure; features by Alex Bellamy on the Responsibility to Protect at ten, Eamon Aloyo on just war theory and the unnecessary category of last resort, and Graham Long on universality and the Sustainable Development Goals; a review essay by Rowan Cruft on human rights law and moral rights; and book reviews by Jack Snyder, Michael Blake, and Dan Bodansky.
To listen to a short podcast with Senior Editor Zach Dorfman discussing the summer issue, click here.
Innocents Abroad? Liberal Educators in Illiberal Societies [Full Text]
Jim Sleeper
Is anything in liberal education nonnegotiable? With numerous expansions abroad, American universities are testing these limits.
Against Moral Absolutism: Surveillance and Disclosure After Snowden [Free for a Limited Time!]
Rahul Sagar
Now that the uproar provoked by the disclosure of the NSA surveillance programs has lessened and Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald have had a chance to make the case for their actions, we are in a position to evaluate whether their disclosure and publication of communications intelligence was justified.
FEATURES [Free for a Limited Time!]
The Responsibility to Protect Turns Ten
Alex J. Bellamy
The Responsibility to Protect [RtoP] has become an established international norm associated with positive changes to the way that international society responds to genocide and mass atrocities. With only a few exceptions, states accept that they have committed to RtoP and agree on the principle's core elements.
Just War Theory and the Last of Last Resort
Eamon Aloyo
Last resort should be jettisoned from the just war tradition because adhering to it can require causing or allowing severe harms to a greater number of innocents than if an alternative, violent policy were enacted.
The Idea of Universality in the Sustainable Development Goals
Graham Long
Despite an apparent "emerging consensus that the post-2015 agenda should be universal," there is less agreement over what universality means, and how this demand should be reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals.
REVIEW ESSAY [Free for a Limited Time!]
Human Rights Law Without Natural Moral Rights
Rowan Cruft
In this latest work by one of our leading political and legal philosophers, Allen Buchanan outlines a novel framework for assessing the system of international human rights law—the system that he takes to be the heart of modern human rights practice.
REVIEWS [Full Text]
Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy by Francis Fukuyama
Review by Jack Snyder
Where did strong, adaptable, accountable states come from, and why do some countries have them and others do not? Fukuyama discusses three main paths to statehood, of which only one is sustainable in the long run.
The Ethics of Immigration by Joseph Carens
Review by Michael Blake
The current ethical debate about the legitimacy of migration controls would not exist but for Joseph Carens' writing. At last the book-length version of his arguments has been released, and it has justified its long gestation.
Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed—and What It Means for Our Future by Dale Jamieson
Review by Daniel Bodansky
Jamieson is interested in the real rather than the ideal world. The result is a book that is uncommonly accessible to nonspecialists, and will resonate even among those working in the trenches of climate policy.
Short reviews of The Twilight of Human Rights Law by Eric A. Posner and The Human Age: The World by Us by Diane Ackerman by the EIA editors.