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MAY 12, 1991 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): Speaking Truth to Power: The Quest for Equality in Freedom

Former Council president Robert J. Myers discusses the legacy of Hans J. Morgenthau: his realist doctrine and its influence on American foreign policy; some enduring ...

APR 26, 1991 Article

Privatization Project (1991–1994): Labor's View of Privatization

"American labor is not opposed to privatization; we are for any economic system that works." THE PDF IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD ON THE RIGHT SIDEBAR.

Cartoon featured in "Is the Cold War Over?" booklet

NOV 29, 1989 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): Is the Cold War Over?

Arthur Schlesinger analyzes the failure of the Soviet experiment, something no historian had predicted. "The internal contradictions of communism proved far more destructive than those ...

Fr. Ted Hesburgh in his office at the University of Notre Dame. PHOTO: <a href=""></a>

MAY 12, 1988 Article

The Nuclear Dilemma: The Greatest Moral Problem of All Time

"We all know that we are the first generation of humans since Genesis that can totally destroy the human species and make our beautiful planet ...

MAY 22, 1987 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): The Political Ethics of International Relations

Leading international relations theorist Stanley Hoffmann argues that the greatest danger to ethical thinking in international affairs is "disembodied idealism," i.e., posing ethical solutions ...

Jacques Barzun in an undated publicity photo

MAY 26, 1986 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): Is Democratic Theory for Export?

Barzun argues that democracy is a historical development and mode of life peculiar to the political context in which it developed. Attempts to export it (...

MAY 12, 1985 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): Words and Deeds in Foreign Policy

Moral principles become disconnected from political actions in three ways: contextualizing ethics for time and place as well as man, politics, and the nation-state; subjugating ...

Desmond Tutu, 2011. CREDIT: Jmquez via <a href="">Wikipedia</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

DEC 3, 1984 Article

The Bishop and South Africa: An Interview with Desmond Tutu

"I am glad I'm not a Westerner; I am glad I'm not white; I am glad I'm not civilized, if civilized means doing the kind ...

MAY 26, 1984 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): Interest and Conscience in Modern Diplomacy

Famed Israeli diplomat Abba Eban examines modern developments that are said to have vitiated the power of modern-day diplomacy, refuting each in turn. He says ...

MAY 12, 1983 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): FDR's Good Neighbor Policy Revisited

Mexican diplomat Francisco Cuevas-Cancino pays tribute to President Roosevelt for pursuing a Latin American policy that was based on moral principles while at the same ...