UN Headquarters, New York. CREDIT: United Nations Photo/(CC).
A Distinct & Exceptional Purpose
Since its founding in 1945, the United Nations has sought to maintain international peace and security, deliver humanitarian aid, support sustainable development, and more.
Writing for the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation’s report on leadership in the UN, Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal says that the institution must make its case anew. He believes it should emphasize, rather than retreat from, the moral dimension of its mission.
A Conversation with Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield
Hosted June 15, 2022
Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s distinguished Foreign Service career includes an ambassadorship to Liberia (2008-2012), and postings in Switzerland (at the United States Mission to the United Nations, Geneva), Pakistan, Kenya, The Gambia, Nigeria, and Jamaica.
She joined Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal to discuss the inner workings of her role as the United States’ ambassador to the UN and the role of the UN amid the geopolitical environment in 2022, and to answer questions from the audience members.
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Ethics & International Affairs Interviews
United Nations Resources
SEP 30, 2021 • Podcast
The Doorstep: Can the United Nations Save the World? with Catherine Tinker
MAR 28, 2018 • Article
The United Nations, Human Rights, and American Disengagement
A new "Foreign Policy" article says that as the United States has disengaged from the United Nations, Russia and China have moved to fill the ...
OCT 2, 2020 • Journal
Ethics & International Affairs Volume 34.3 (Fall 2020)
At the core of this issue is a collection of essays organized and guest-edited by Margaret P. Karns called "The United Nations at Seventy-Five: Looking ...