Christopher Mims is a technology columnist at The Wall Street Journal.
He has also written for Scientific American, Popular Science, Fast Company, Wired, Good, Discover, Nature, Nature Medicine, Glamour, Plenty, and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University.
Mims has been an editor at Scientific American and Grist. He was also a producer at Small Mammal, where he helped director John Pavlus produce science videos for Slate, Popular Science, and Nature. He got his start in journalism by launching ScienceBlogs and SeedMagazine.com for Seed.
In another life he was a crayfish neuroscientist specializing in functional and anatomical studies via MRI.
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SEP 26, 2011 • Article
What is the most important thing a person can do to have a sustainable impact? From consumer purchases to political action, how should we prioritize ...