Asha Castleberry-Hernandez is senior advisor for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs at the U.S. State Department and a major in the U.S. Army Reserves.
She previously served as a Kuwait desk officer at U.S. Army Central and worked on security cooperation with the Office of Military Cooperation and the Kuwait Ministry of Defense. Castleberry-Hernandez also served as senior key leadership engagement officer for the Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq and Kuwait. During the Obama administration she served at the U.S. Mission at the United Nations working peacekeeping operations in the African Continent.
Castleberry-Hernandez was a Robert J. Myers Fellow in 2018 and a member of the U.S. Global Engagement Working Group at Carnegie Council.
Featured Work

JUL 9, 2021 • Podcast
The Doorstep: China in the Middle East & U.S. Foreign Policy, with Asha Castleberry-Hernandez
What is China up to in the Middle East? How is its massive Belt and Road infrastructure project affecting U.S. foreign policy and American ...

NOV 8, 2019 • Podcast
Fighting ISIS Online, with Asha Castleberry-Hernandez
National security expert Asha Castleberry-Hernandez discusses what "ISIS 2.0" means and how the terrorist group has used social media to recruit and spread its message. How ...

MAY 30, 2019 • Podcast
Global Ethics Weekly: Iran Tensions & Secretary Shanahan, with Asha Castleberry
National security expert and U.S. Army veteran Asha Castleberry breaks down the rising tensions with Iran and John Bolton's influence at the White House. ...

JAN 9, 2019 • Podcast
Global Ethics Weekly: U.S. Defense Policy After Mattis, with Asha Castleberry
National security expert and U.S. Army veteran Asha Castleberry makes sense of a busy and seemingly chaotic time for the Department of Defense in ...

DEC 5, 2018 • Article
Misconnecting with the U.S. Public: Narrative Collapse and U.S. Foreign Policy
For the past year, the U.S. Global Engagement program has focused its attention on the continuing strengths and weaknesses of the narratives that can ...

SEP 25, 2018 • Podcast
Making Foreign Policy Relevant Again, with Asha Castleberry & Ali Wyne
Has a gap opened up between the U.S. national security community and the general public over foreign policy? If so, why? How can we ...

JAN 10, 2018 • Podcast
Deciphering the Middle East and Trump's National Security Stategy, with Asha Castleberry
Asha Castleberry, Fordham professor and U.S. Army veteran, describes her "mixed reaction" to Trump's National Security Strategy--touching on China and Russia, cybersecurity, and climate ...

MAY 24, 2017 • Podcast
Asha Castleberry on Trump's Generals and the Fight Against ISIS
Asha Castleberry, Fordham professor and U.S. Army veteran, gives detailed updates of the campaigns against ISIS in Mosul and Raqqa and the endlessly complicated ...

AUG 25, 2016 • Podcast
Asha Castleberry on the 2016 Election and the Fight Against ISIS
U.S. Army veteran Asha Castleberry discusses veterans' reactions to the 2016 presidential campaign, and also the ongoing U.S. anti-ISIS military campaign, which is preparing ...

OCT 8, 2015 • Podcast
Russia's Intervention and the Fight against ISIL with U.S. Army Veteran Asha Castleberry
The good news is that ISIL has lost one-third of the key areas that it took over, both in Iraq and Syria, says Castleberry. But ...