Andrew J. Bacevich is professor emeritus of international relations and history at Boston University, and a retired career officer in the United States Army. He has also taught at West Point and at Johns Hopkins University.
Featured Work

APR 17, 2013 • Podcast
The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War (2013)
Andrew Bacevich argues that militarism now permeates U.S. society. These attitudes emerged in the decades after the Vietnam War, and are at odds both ...

OCT 8, 2010 • Podcast
Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War
It is time to examine the Washington consensus on national security and why it must change, says Professor Bacevich--and to acknowledge that fixing Afghanistan should ...

NOV 11, 2008 • Podcast
The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism
America is facing a profound triple crisis: the economy, the government, and an involvement in endless wars. This threatens all of us, Republicans and Democrats ...

MAY 17, 2005 • Podcast
Conversation with Andrew Bacevich on "The New American Militarism"
"Family values", says Bacevich, used to apply to domestic politics; "but today this concept is aligned with a foreign policy agenda based on a belief ...

MAY 17, 2005 • Transcript
Conversation with Andrew Bacevich on "The New American Militarism"
"Family values", says Bacevich, used to apply to domestic politics; "but today this concept is aligned with a foreign policy agenda based on a belief ...

MAY 17, 2005 • Podcast
The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War (2005)
Bacevich argues that military force has increasingly become the preferred instrument of American foreign policy, a process that began not with 9/11, but with the end ...

APR 9, 2003 • Transcript
American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy
A sole superpower in the aftermath of the Cold War pursuing an increasingly militarized foreign policy, America is no longer shy about its imperial ambitions, ...