Shades of Red and Blue: Race, Religion, and Immigration

May 31, 2017

Diversity is a strength in some societies. In others, it is a source of unresolved tension that can erupt into fear, hatred, and violence. Hear from Lee C. Bollinger, Jelani Cobb, Paola Mendoza, Derryck Green, and Jhoshan Jothilingam. This program is part of the Shades of Red and Blue series, presented by The Ethics Centre, and co-sponsored by the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and Bard Globalization and International Affairs program. This program was recorded on April 1, 2017.

Diversity is a strength in some societies. In others, it is a source of unresolved tension that can erupt into fear, hatred, and violence. Hear from Lee C. Bollinger, Jelani Cobb, Paola Mendoza, Derryck Green, and Jhoshan Jothilingam. This program is part of the Shades of Red and Blue series, presented by The Ethics Centre, and co-sponsored by the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and Bard Globalization and International Affairs program. This program was recorded on April 1, 2017. AUDIO PODCAST ONLY

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