Ethics & International Affairs is pleased to announce the publishing of its summer 2012 issue. Guest edited by Thomas Pogge and Luis Cabrera, the issue celebrates the launch of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP), a new initiative that seeks to bring together academics and practitioners from a variety of disciplines to help combat global poverty. The special issue features contributions from Pogge and Cabrera, as well as Simon Caney, Roger Riddell, Martin Kirk, Onora O'Neill, and Keith Horton.
Outreach, Impact, Collaboration: Why Academics Should Join to Stand Against Poverty
Thomas Pogge and Luis Cabrera
In this essay, we discuss some specific contributions that can be made by academics to combat poverty. The argument is mainly addressed to those researchers and teachers whose work focuses on aspects of poverty, but we believe that academics from virtually all disciplines can make distinct contributions.
Global Poverty and the Limits of Academic Expertise
Onora O'Neill
Academics are not a natural kind. They have varied expertise and aims, and most have no expertise that is particularly relevant to problems of poverty and development.
Addressing Poverty and Climate Change: The Varieties of Social Engagement
Simon Caney
In this article I propose to explore two issues. The first concerns what kinds of contributions academics can make to reducing poverty. I argue that academics can contribute in a number of ways, and I seek to spell out the diversity of the options available. My second aim is to outline some norms that should inform any academic involvement in activities that seek to reduce poverty.
Navigating Between Extremes: Academics Helping to Eradicate Global Poverty
Roger C. Riddell
This article attempts to extract what we know and have learned about how best to accelerate the process of reducing extreme poverty, including what does not work; how academics from outside the professional development community might effectively contribute to the faster or more effective eradication of global poverty; and the types of antipoverty organizations that concerned individuals might support.
Beyond Charity: Helping NGOs Lead a Transformative New Public Discourse on Global Poverty and Social Justice
Martin Kirk
This article looks at the role that Northern nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can play in engaging domestic publics in efforts to eradicate mass global poverty. There is increasing evidence that the current knowledge and techniques may be leading NGOs to do more harm than good.
How Academics Can Help People Make Better Decisions Concerning Global Poverty
Keith Horton
In this essay I focus mainly on one decision one group of decision-makers faces—concerning whether to give money to NGOs working to combat global poverty—highlighting some of the key issues and discussing the academic input on those issues.
"The Arc of the Moral Universe and Other Essays" by Joshua Cohen
This volume collects eleven of Joshua Cohen's essays, each of which deals in some way with the nature and role of political justice and its relationship to ideals of democratic self-government. Those of us who care about justice, whether at home or abroad, would do well to give his ideas a closer examination.
"Hegemony in International Society" by Ian Clark
This book is the third in a series in which Ian Clark has applied the concept of legitimacy to the English School's way of thinking about both international society (the society of states) and world society (global civil society mainly in the form of nonstate actors). By bringing legitimacy to bear, Ian Clark has opened up a new and debate-changing way of looking at hegemony.
"The Invention of International Relations Theory: Realism, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the 1954 Conference on Theory," Edited by Nicolas Guilhot
This collection of eight essays, diverse and insightful, attempts to gauge the true influence of the historic 1954 Conference on International Politics and, more important, to challenge the way international relations theorists understand the origins of their discipline.
"Moral Combat: Good and Evil in World War II" by Michael Burleigh
In this popular survey of some of the larger moral demands and dilemmas of fighting World War II, Michael Burleigh is never boring and quite often right. He is also, far too frequently, surprisingly uninformed.