Ronald Dworkin (1931-2013) was the Frank Henry Sommer Professor of Law at New York University and the Quain Professor of Jurisprudence at University College London.
He is the author of many articles in philosophical and legal journals as well as articles on legal and political topics in the New York Review of Books.
His books include: Taking Rights Seriously (1977); A Matter of Principle (1985); Law's Empire (1986); Philosophical Issues in Senile Dementia (1987); A Bill of Rights for Britain (1990); Life's Dominion (1993); Freedom's Law (1996); Is Democracy Possible Here? Principles for a New Political Debate (2006); and Justice for Hedgehogs (2011).
Featured Work
DEC 15, 2011 • Podcast
Justice for Hedgehogs
"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." Ronald Dworkin argues for one big thing: the unity of value. He asserts ...
OCT 31, 2006 • Podcast
Is Democracy Possible Here? Principles for a New Political Debate
If we want substantial political argument--and without it, true democracy is impossible--both "the red" and "the blue" must recognize shared moral principles, says Ronald Dworkin.