Michael Byers holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Global Politics and International Law at the Liu Institute for Global Issues, University of British Columbia.
Prior to 2004, he was a professor of law and Director of Canadian Studies at Duke University; from 1996-1999, he was a research fellow at Jesus College, Oxford University.
He is the author of Custom, Power and the Power of Rules (1999), editor of The Role of Law in International Politics (2000), translator of Wilhelm Grewe, The Epochs of International Law (2000), and coeditor of United States Hegemony and the Foundations of International Law (2003).
Featured Work

SEP 1, 2011 • Article
Cooling Things Down: The Legalization of Arctic Security
Many are concerned about possible struggles over Arctic territory and resources. Yet this paper argues that most Arctic sovereignty disputes have either been resolved or ...

DEC 16, 2009 • Article
Cold Peace: International Cooperation Takes Hold in the Arctic
Thanks to international law, there is no race for Arctic resources, nor any appetite for military confrontation. The Arctic has become a zone of quiet ...