Margot E. Salomon is senior lecturer in law at the Centre for the Study of Human Rights and law department, London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research interests address the legal dimensions of world poverty, human rights and the international political economy, and third generation rights, with current research under an ESRC grant focusing on human rights and climate change.
Salomon is a consultant to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on extreme poverty and human rights and on the right to development, and a member of the International Law Association's Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. She sits on a number of editorial and advisory boards, including the Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values, University of Antwerp and the executive board of the Association of Human Rights Institutes, University of Oslo.
Recent publications include: "Poverty, Privilege and International Law: The Millennium Development Goals and the Guise of Humanitarianism" German Yearbook of International Law 51 (2009); "Legal Cosmopolitanism and the Normative Contribution of the Right to Development" in S.P. Marks (ed), Implementing the Right to Development: The Role of International Law (Harvard/FES, 2008); Global Responsibility for Human Rights: World Poverty and the Development of International Law (OUP, 2007); "International Economic Governance and Human Rights Accountability" in M.E. Salomon, A. Tostensen and W. Vandenhole (eds), Casting the Net Wider: Human Rights, Development and New Duty-Bearers (Intersentia, 2007).
She received a Ph.D. in international law from the LSE, an LLM from University College London, and holds degrees from the University of Amsterdam and Concordia University in Montreal.
Featured Work

MAR 25, 2010 • Article
Global Economic Policy and Human Rights: Three Sites of Disconnection
In this critical post-financial crisis period, Margot Salomon of LSE underscores the demands that international human rights law place on a more ethical form of ...

MAY 4, 2009 • Article
A Human Rights Analysis of the G20 Communique: Recent Awareness of the 'Human Cost' Is Not Quite Enough
The global economic crisis and its impact on the poor are issues of international human rights law, in particular of state obligations to take collective ...