Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua is senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, where he teaches public international law, environmental law, and international human rights law. He also teaches law of diplomacy at the Legon Centre for International Affairs and Diplomacy, University of Ghana, Legon, and the Ghana Armed Forces Senior Staff College, Accra. In addition, Appiagyei-Atua is the representative lecturer from University of Ghana in the LL.M Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation course, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, South Africa.
For the period 2013–2015, he is serving as the Marie Curie International Incoming Fellow at Lincoln University, UK, where he is conducting a project on building academic freedom and democracy in Africa. His areas of specialisation are human rights, poverty and development, human security, minority rights, transitional justice issues, and African perspectives on international law. Appiagyei-Atua has done consultancy works in the above areas with organisations such as International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), USA, and the Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project, London, UK, as lead researcher on the publication on Ghana: Justice Sector and the Rule of Law, and Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) on Freedom of Expression, Access to Information and National Security in Ghana—Drawing the Balance. He has also worked with or consulted for a number of NGOs in Africa, Canada, and Ireland. He is a member of the Ghana Bar Association and Scholars at Risk's Academic Freedom Advocacy Team (AFAT) as well as serving as the general editor of the University of Ghana Law Journal.
Among his most recent publications are ""Alternative Dispute Resolution and its Implications for Women's Access to Justice in Africa—A Case-Study of Ghana"" (appearing in (March 2013) Vol. 1 Frontiers of Legal Research; ""Minority Rights, Democracy and Development: The African Experience"" (2012) 12 African Human Rights Law Journal; and ""United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security—Is it Binding?,"" Volume 18, Issue 3 (Spring 2011) Human Rights Brief.
Appiagyei-Atua is currently writing a manuscript, ""African Perspectives on Public International Law."" He has attended and presented papers at various conferences, workshops, and seminars in various countries across the globe.