Joel H. Rosenthal

President, Carnegie Council

Joel H. Rosenthal is president of Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. As a nonprofit leader, scholar, and teacher he works to empower ethical action, with a particular focus on U.S. foreign policy, issues of war and peace, human rights, and pluralism. At Carnegie Council, Rosenthal leads a team that identifies critical ethical issues, convenes experts, and produces agenda-setting resources to educate and activate communities globally.

Rosenthal is editor-in-chief of the Ethics & International Affairs journal published by Cambridge University Press. His first book Righteous Realists is an examination of the political realists who shaped post-WWII America in the nuclear age, including Hans Morgenthau, Reinhold Niebuhr, and George Kennan. His current writing and commentary can be found at the President’s Desk.

Rosenthal is the recipient of numerous awards including the Distinguished Scholar Award from the International Studies Association for his lifetime achievement in international studies and an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Social Science from the University of Edinburgh. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University and BA from Harvard University.

Featured Work

Question mark on tree

SEP 24, 2013 Article

Ethics Primer Part I: Background and Theories

The discipline of ethics begins with Socrates’ question: How should one live? Ethics is about choice. What values guide us? What standards do we use? ...

SEP 23, 2013 Article

Threats Beyond the Headlines

“The Fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” So begins Isaiah Berlin’s essay, “The Hedgehog and Fox.” One year after ...

AUG 19, 2013 Article

Life, Money, and the Pursuit of Happiness

The day after the Moore, Oklahoma tornado of 2013, a single image dominated media coverage: a photo of the two-foot thick concrete and steel bank vault ...

The ruins of Briarwood Elementary School in Moore, OK. CREDIT: <a href="">SSgt Caroline Hayworth</a>

AUG 19, 2013 Article

Life, Money, and the Pursuit of Happiness

"The pursuit of wealth will continue to be the engine of American society. But let's not forget that the pursuit of happiness demands more. The ...

JUN 25, 2013 Podcast

Sir Adam Roberts on "Democracy, Sovereignty and Terror"

Roberts discusses his book on Sri Lankan statesman Lakshman Kadirgamar, who fought against the terrorism of the Tamil Tigers and was assassinated by them in 2005. ...

CREDIT: <a href="">UK Ministry of Defence</a>

MAR 19, 2013 Article

Drones: Legal, Ethical, and Wise?

The U.S. drone program raises serious ethical concerns, particularly about accountability and due process. Congress, with support from President Obama, must develop new oversight ...

MAR 5, 2013 Article

Drones: Legal, Ethical, and Wise?

The white paper released in February 2013 detailing the Obama administration’s policy on the use of drones for targeted killings has stirred plenty of controversy. ...

FEB 14, 2013 Article

Saddam's Pistol, and Yours

"In the current debate over gun regulation a simple point is being missed. Every citizen has the right to a gun. But shouldn't every man, ...

FEB 11, 2013 Article

Saddam’s Pistol, and Yours

In the current debate over gun regulation a simple point is being missed. Every citizen has the right to a gun. But shouldn’t every ...

NOV 29, 2012 Podcast

Human Rights Watch: Promoting Ethical Behavior When It's Contested

It's the job of Human Rights Watch to shine a spotlight on human rights abuses worldwide, including in the U.S., says its executive director ...