Celine Solsken Ruben-Salama is a lecturer on sustainability communication strategy and planning at Columbia University. In 2008, she earned a Masters of Public Administration Environmental Science and Policy from Columbia University, and will graduate with an MBA from the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College, CUNY, in 2010. As her capstone project, she co-wrote a handbook on sustainable city planning which was published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Ruben-Salama is a recipient of merit-based fellowships from the Tekn. dr Marcus Wallenbergs Foundation, the Sweden-America Foundation, and the American-Scandinavian Foundation. Her team won third place in the 2009 Direct Marketing Education Foundation Collegiate ECHO competition with a green-themed direct marketing campaign.
Formerly a staff writer for treehugger.com, the world's largest online green lifestyle magazine and top 20 blog globally, Ruben-Salama's writing has also been published in Consilience, the Journal of Sustainable Development, as well as on Yahoo Green, Inhabitat.com, and Ecogeek.org.