Named for famed international relations scholar Hans Morgenthau, the annual Morgenthau Memorial Lecture series was the longest-running public education initiative of the Carnegie Council.
NOV 2, 2006 • Podcast
Ethical Considerations: Law, Foreign Policy, and The War on Terror
Former Navy General Counsel Alberto Mora fought to stop policies that authorized cruelty toward terror suspects. "Cruelty harms our nation's legal, foreign policy, and national ...

MAR 2, 2004 • Transcript
The Future of Humanitarianism
Kouchner argues that the globalization of compassion and human rights is a sign of substantial moral progress that can count some successes--most notably, in Kosovo ...

MAY 15, 2001 • Transcript
Universalism and Jewish Values
Though they lacked any state or territory of their own, Jews nevertheless created a distinctive political philosophy, one that deserves systematic scholarly attention.