Ethics & International Affairs Volume 18.3 (Winter 2004/2005): Review Essays: Empire Versus Multitude: Place Your Bets [Abstract]

Dec 16, 2004

Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri (New York: Penguin, 2004), 427 pp., $27.95 cloth.

Negri on Negri, Antonio Negri and Anne Dufourmantelle, trans. M. B. De Bevoise (New York: Routledge, 2004), 201 pp., $19.95 paper.

Time for Revolution, Antonio Negri, trans. Matteo Mandarini (New York: Continuum, 2003), 298 pp., $29.95 cloth.

Debating Empire, ed. Gopal Balakrishnan (London: Verso, 2003), 172 pp., $19.00 paper.

Empire’s New Clothes: Reading Hardt and Negri, eds. Paul Passavant and Jodi Dean (New York: Routledge, 2003), 332 pp., $19.95 paper.

What is the relationship between globalization and democracy? Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s Empire, published in 2000, attempted to answer this question. Hailed as provocatively ambitious and jeered as impenetrably odd, the book created some stir when it appeared, and as post–September 11 developments have renewed and intensified talk of an American imperium, a number of thoughtful scholars and public intellectuals have since engaged Hardt and Negri’s arguments. It is now possible to read Empire through the lenses of those who have been ruminating on it for several years and also in light of postpublication amplifications by the authors, notably the recent appearance of their follow-up second volume, Multitude.

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