"Ethics & International Affairs" Spring 2015 Issue
"Ethics & International Affairs" Spring 2015 Issue

"Ethics & International Affairs" Spring 2015 Issue

Mar 10, 2015

Ethics & International Affairs is pleased to announce the publication of its spring 2015 issue.

It includes an essay by Shefa Siegel on Liberia, Ebola, and the "Cult of Bankable Projects"; a symposium on imagining a "Drone Accountability Regime," featuring a lead article by Allen Buchanan and Robert O. Keohane, and with responses from Neta C. Crawford, Janina Dill, and David Whetham; features by Richard Beardsworth on moral and political responsibility in world politics and by John Williams on space, drones, and just war; and book reviews.

To listen to a short podcast with Senior Editor Zach Dorfman discussing the spring issue, click here.

ESSAY [Full Text]

Ebola, Liberia, and the "Cult of Bankable Projects" Shefa Siegel Instead of addressing core issues of state failure, development aid continues pushing narrowly focused agendas that have little meaning in places where institutions and infrastructure are broken.

SYMPOSIUM: TOWARD A DRONE ACCOUNTABILITY REGIME [Free for a Limited Time!] Toward a Drone Accountability Regime Allen Buchanan and Robert O. Keohane The key principle of a Drone Accountability Regime should be transparency, and its central agent should be an Ombudsperson with broad authority to investigate situations and publicize her findings.

Accountability for Targeted Drone Strikes Against Terrorists? Neta C. Crawford The problem of terrorism can and probably ought to be approached from both war and law enforcement paradigms, not merely the former one, as Buchanan and Keohane argue.

The Informal Regulation of Drones and the Formal Legal Regulation of War Janina Dill How does the proposed drone accountability regime relate to existing international treaty and customary law governing the use of force, including the use of lethal drones? The ethical implications of the regime would largely depend on its relationship with existing law.

Targeted Killing: Accountability and Oversight via a Drone Accountability Regime David Whetham Using a drone as a component of a military operation does not automatically make that action a "targeted killing." Much of the public concern about drones is actually an objection to this type of attack, not drones themselves.

Toward a Drone Accountability Regime: A Rejoinder Allen Buchanan and Robert O. Keohane Buchanan and Keohane appreciate the fact that their proposal initiated a lively discussion of the characteristics of a Drone Accountability Regime, and of the international political and legal context within which its provisions should be framed.

FEATURES [Free for a Limited Time!]

From Moral to Political Responsibility in a Globalized Age Richard Beardsworth In a world beset by empirical global problems and global collective inaction, we need less to speak of the moral responsibility of political agents than to develop a new language of political responsibility that has purchase on practical politics.

Distant Intimacy: Space, Drones, and Just War John Williams Critical engagement with the concept of space, rooted in political geography, augments established ethical critiques of drone strikes. As drone use grows, it is crucial that ethical assessment adapts to the distinctive spatial relationship between drone operators and their targets.

REVIEWS [Full Text]

Power in Concert: The Nineteenth-Century Origins of Global Governance by Jennifer Mitzen Review by Andreas Osiander Mitzen contends that when states publicly commit to joint action in pursuit of a common goal, this fact will exert an influence on their behavior that is not captured by the conventional focus on their self-interest or self-perception.

The Endtimes of Human Rights by Stephen Hopgood Review by Clifford Bob Is the Human Rights "project" coming to an end? Hopgood believes it has sold its moral clarity for an alliance with interventionist liberal states.

Accountability for Killing: Moral Responsibility for Collateral Damage in America’s Post-9/11 War by Neta C. Crawford Review by Saba Bazargan For Crawford, we ought not to regard instances in which civilians are mistakenly targeted or instances in which more civilians are killed collaterally than had been anticipated as mere tragic accidents.


Short reviews of Socializing States: Promoting Human Rights Through International Law by Ryan Goodman and Derek Jinks and Maxwell’s Demon and the Golden Apple: Global Discord in the New Millennium by Randall Schweller by the EIA editors.

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