Books flying through the air. CREDIT: Shutterstock
Books flying through the air. CREDIT: Shutterstock

Back to School with Carnegie Council: Resources on Ethics and International Affairs

Sep 5, 2014

Students, educators, life-long learners: We wish you all a great year, and hope you find these activities and resources stimulating, useful, and fun!

Be sure to check out the rest of our website, including our upcoming events, which you can watch as free live webcasts, and our vast virtual library of multimedia resources and publications.


GLOBAL ETHICS DAY, OCTOBER 16 Join the Carnegie Council teach-in! As part of its Centennial activities, Carnegie Council is inaugurating a worldwide Global Ethics Day on October 16 at City College of New York (CCNY). We encourage academic institutions around the world to use this day to hold their own events, lectures, or other educational activity to explore a "global ethic." In need of ideas? Have a look at our resources.

CONTESTS International Student Photo Contest Carnegie Council announces its second annual International Student Photography Contest. This year's theme is "Fairness and Its Opposite." Open to all students over the age 13. DEADLINE: October 31, 2014.

International Student/Teacher Essay Contest What would you like to see happen during this century to make the world a better place? That's the question for Carnegie Council's sixth annual student/teacher essay contest. The sky's the limit! Open to all students high school through graduate school. DEADLINE: January 5, 2015.

Trans-Pacific Contest ESSAY OR VIDEO TOPIC: What is the future of U.S.-Asia relations or of the United States and one of the Asian countries listed below? Please use specific examples or stories to illustrate your points. Each entry must be a collaboration between a student who is a citizen of the United States and a student from one of the listed East Asian countries. Open to undergraduate and postgraduate students. DEADLINE: April 30, 2015.

JOIN OUR GLOBAL NETWORKConnect with students, scholars, and professionals on our Global Ethics Network, a free social network for people interested in international affairs. You can post an essay, read and comment on global projects, and make new contacts around the world.

GUEST EDITOR OPPORTUNITYWe are seeking motivated guest editors to broaden the conversation on our Global Ethics Network website. Guest editors help to recruit new members, post original content, and spread the word about our student project. This is a volunteer position. If interested, contact: [email protected].


FALL ISSUE OF THE COUNCIL'S JOURNAL, ETHICS & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS This issue features Mark Osiel on identifying the perpetrators and victims of atrocity crimes; a centennial roundtable on climate change, with Stephen M. Gardiner, Scott Russell Sanders, Paul Wapner, Clive Hamilton, Clare Palmer, Daniel Mittler, and Thomas E. Lovejoy; Christian Enemark on drones; Sir Richard Jolly on global governance; and book reviews. Most of this issue is free online for a limited time. Don't miss this opportunity!

ETHICS ON FILM Nothing brings concepts and events to life more vividly than a good movie. We offer a list of films that deal with ethical issues in international affairs and that illuminate historical events, policies, and conditions. The films in the "In Depth" section include an overview, ethical issues and discussion questions, and related resources, while the rest are synopses only. Recent "In Depth" posts include Dirty Wars and The Fifth Estate, while our most popular one remains Hotel Rwanda. See you at the movies!

iTUNES U COLLECTIONS Enjoy these multimedia collections of the best of Carnegie Council resources. Topics include: democracy and democratization; immigrants, migrants, and refugees; ethics and technology; and genocide prevention and transitional justice.

COURSE SYLLABI Delve into this collection of syllabi from our Global Ethics Fellows around the world. Topics include: human rights; global ethics; climate change as a moral problem; and understanding Islam in politics.

COMPANION TO BEST-SELLING TEXTBOOK, WORLD POLITICS: TREND AND TRANSFORMATIONCarnegie Council presents a companion guide of glossary terms and additional video resources to World Politics, by Charles W. Kegley, Jr. and Shannon L. Blanton. Used by more than 200 colleges in 20 countries, World Politics is one of the most popular and influential textbooks on the market today. For a shortcut, simply go to

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