Milan Chen

Carnegie Council Pacific Delegate, 2018; Ethics Fellow for the Future Alumna

Milan Chen is a doctoral researcher under the chair of environmental and climate policy at School of Governance, Technical University of Munich, Germany. Her research interests include comparative politics, climate change policy and politics, energy transition, and climate change discourses on social media.

Prior to joining Technical University of Munich, Chen completed two years of doctoral training in political science at Free University of Berlin and was a research fellow of University Alliance for Sustainability at the University of British Columbia, Canada. In addition, she worked at the adaption program, the UNFCCC Secretariat, as research intern focusing on the development of Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage.

Chen received her MA in international studies from National Chengchi University, Taiwan, where she focused on Taiwan's humanitarian diplomacy in developing countries. She was previously an Ethics Fellow for the Future at Carnegie Council, where she researched linkages between ethics and global climate governance.

Appointed by Global Ethics Fellow William Vocke, National Chengchi University.