Raymond Torres

Director, International Institute for Labour Studies, International Labour Organization

Raymond Torres is director of the International Institute for Labour Studies at the International Labour Organization. He launched the World of Work Report (2009), the annual flagship publication from the Institute.

Before that, Torres was head of the OECD Employment Analysis and Policy Division. He was editor of the OECD Employment Outlook, and in charge of the preparations for the reassessment of the OECD Jobs Strategy at the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs.

Torres also oversaw preparations of the Thematic Review on Older Workers—which led to the publication of a series of 21 country reviews, as well as a synthesis report entitled Live Longer, Work Longer—and developed a new Thematic Review on School-to-Work Transitions and Youth Employment.

He has authored several studies on labour markets, international trade, economic growth and core workers' rights and is assistant professor at the University of Paris-Dauphine. He is also policy fellow at the IZA Research Institute.

Featured Work

FEB 26, 2010 Podcast

Global Jobs Update: Assessing the Quality and Pace of Recovery

A panel of experts from the International Labour Organization, business, academia, and the EU discuss the actions taken to address this multi-faceted crisis, and give ...