Lee C. Bollinger

President, Columbia University


Lee C. Bollinger is the president of Columbia University and a scholar of the First Amendment.

Featured Work

FEB 6, 2019 Podcast

The Free Speech Century, with Lee Bollinger & Geoffrey Stone

The Supreme Court's 1919 decision in "Schenck v. United States" is one of the most important free speech cases in American history. Because of it we ...

MAY 31, 2017 Podcast

Shades of Red and Blue: Race, Religion, and Immigration

Diversity is a strength in some societies. In others, it is a source of unresolved tension that can erupt into fear, hatred, and violence. Hear ...

Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Century

FEB 19, 2010 Podcast

Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Century

Now that U.S. news outlets can instantaneously disseminate information across the world and foreign media have immediate access to the American market, what does ...